
Flying across America in five days while blind makes the impossibly feasible.

A blind woman from New Mexico has landed safely in Kentucky after flying a plane across the US for five days.

Kaiya Armstrong could only see as far as… a few centimeters, but that didn’t stop her from flying from New Mexico across the United States, to Washington, D.C., and ending up in Kentucky in a journey that lasted five years. day.

Of course, with her exceptional eyesight, Armstrong still had someone to fly with to send out audible signals all the way, but she was mostly in control.

“Good job, Kaiya!”, “Go Kaiya”, dozens of supporters and students waiting for her.

Armstrong, 22, lost his sight at the age of 14. She was very depressed in the early years, but everything changed when she joined the Fund for Blind Children.

There she learned to live without looking. And when she had the opportunity to learn to fly, she didn’t hesitate, even though she had never been on a plane before.

According to the Washington Post, in the past, she believed that there were things she could never do, especially driving and flying. But she decided to join the training course of Leopard Aviation, under the guidance of Tyler Sinclair, who also accompanied Armstrong on the memorable flight across America.

Although it was only a blur, Armstrong described the feeling of flying as “very peaceful”, she could still “see” large patches of green in the woods, the blue of rivers and lakes or the brown color of dirt roads.

“It’s exciting when you can see what you can’t see,” she said.

Her message has inspired people in similar situations struggling with life: Don’t accept the limits placed on you by others or yourself.

“This flight is designed to inspire, to show that if a blind woman can fly across the country, people who are blind or have limited vision can try to be anything they choose to be. life,” Marc Ashton, CEO of the Foundation for Blind Children, told the Washington Post .

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