As an ornamental plant that is very popular for home decor, peace lily is one of the plants that are quite popular. The shape of the leaves are thick green with beautiful flowers perennial white color makes this plant one of the plants that are happy. You can choose a variety of ornamental plants for different types of houses you can choose for the type of peace lily plants below.
Piccolino Peace Lily
sharonescottPeace lily plant type this one is a type of Spathiphyylum with dwarf shape. Dark green leaves with their distinctive beautiful white flowers. These flowers can bloom all day long and are used to care for them lovingly.
Sensation Peace Lily
houseplantdaddyFor this type of peace lily has a sensation peace lily or commonly called Spathiphyllum sensation with the same leaf shape as other solid green color. The height of plants that can reach 4-6 feet allows for higher and charming looks.
White Stripe Peace Lily
the.plant.𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁erWith a different look, this peace lily plant has a white ᵴtriƥe in the middle that looks like it is flowing. Although the shape of the leaves is small like no other, this peace lily has the shape of cure and adorable leaves and stems.
craigmilranThis leaf that combines with white and green colors displays a beautiful and attractive shape of plants. Its dense leaves give the look of peace lily so peaceful and calm.
legoutdesplantesWhite patches on the leaves that spread this makes this lilies more beautiful and charming. Perhaps the shape of this diamond lily leaf is almost the same as some other. But there is a difference that the leaves are not tapered end and tend to be fatter.
Domino Peace Lily
50_shades_0f_greenThese randomly patterned leaves look smooth white which can create a beautiful contrast with white spathes. The pointed leaves the end appear to protect themselves from animals so that they can grow continuously without any holes.
Mauna Loa Supreme Peace Lily
bosco_farliLooks much different from the kind of peace lily that was before. Large leaves with a size can reach a width of 9-12 inches this looks shiny green. Height that can grow about 3-4 feet is still classified as very moderate.
Jetty Peace Lily
rozkwitnieThis variety of peace lily plants has a lush growth with its high stems and shiny leaves. Green leaves that have beautiful white bracts can withstand in a long period of time and full very rapid growth.For those of you who want a minimalist home design from simple to modern. Please leave your message and comments on facebook Home Design Picture.Hopefully this article is usefull for those of you design inspiration and house plans.Hopefully you will be easier in making a dream home.Don’t forget to share it with your relatives and family to be of benefit to others.