
Although she lost all her legs to the meat market, she іnsіsts on beіng the haрріest dog

For a dog, losing her four legs was not an obstacle to getting ahead . Despite her unfortunate state, especially because of what caused her to end up like this, she never gave up and her story is a true example of struggle and improvement.

Puppies are definitely beings of light!

In South Korea they eat gaegogi, which means dog meat. Chi Chi was one of those puppies that were 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐧 to be eaten. According to her Facebook page of hers, the 2-year-old Golden Lab was tied up in the worst way possible, because they thought her meat would be more tender that way. They also filled her with food so that she would gain weight faster.

It’s hard to believe that he almost died in a garbage bag.

Monique Hanson, adoption coordinator for  Animal Rescue, Media & Education (ARME), was truly devastated when she was found. They had never found anything like it.

“Chi Chi was hung for so long that her restraints began to do such damage to her skin that the cuts had already reached her bones.”

“At some point, it was literally bone that I was hanging upside down from.”

ARME found Chi Chi thanks to a group called the Nabiya Irion Hope Project , an animal welfare group based in South Korea.

ARME had previously worked with them at the Beagle Freedom Project , a sister organization dedicated to rescuing beagles from laboratory testing.

Although she lost all her legs, she would never stop fighting.

Due to Chi Chi’s condition, the little animal was no longer fit for consumption due to its severe injuries. So they couldn’t think of a better way to get rid of the poor thing than to throw it away like someone who throws away an old and useless piece of furniture.

Fortunately, his story did not end there.

By sheer luck, members of the  Nabiya Irion Hope Project found it in the trash can in a region well known for cat and dog butchers .

When they found her, she was still alive. Despite everything Chi Chi had been through, she still had an incredible will to live. It was that same spirit that prompted her rescuers to give her a fighting chance.

Immediately, they took her to a hospital where all 4 legs had to be amputated so that she could live.

Chi Chi is still under the care of the  Nabiya Irion Hope Project and ARME.

You will be fitted with specially made prostheses for each of your legs.

After Chi Chi rehabilitates herself and gets used to walking again, she’ll make a quick stop at ARME in California and head on to her new home in Arizona.

It is only a matter of time before she fully heals and enjoys a family that fills her with love.

The Howells are her new family and Chi Chi won’t be the only adopted dog to be rescued, that family also has two Beagles that they rescued from the  Beagle Freedom Project .

Everything is ready for Chi Chi to land in the United States and meet her new family.

“She’s going to have a great house,” Hanson said. “Chi Chi, despite her past, has never stopped loving everyone she comes in contact with.”

Check out Chi Chi’s heartwarming story below:

Definitely, the disability does not matter if the will to live is greater. Chi Chi shows the sad reality of what is still happening because of the inconceivable meat markets, but that has to stop now. All furry ones deserve endings like this beautiful warrior’s.

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