Priyanka Chopra Jonas was recently seen in Rome carrying a Mansur Gavriel M Frame Box Bag, priced at $625. This structured, compact crossbody bag mirrors the timeless style often favored by Kate Middleton, who has been spotted with similar boxy handbags, such as the Mulberry Small Amberley Crossbody Bag.
Box bags are celebrated for their versatility and elegance, seamlessly complementing both casual and formal outfits. Their structured design offers a polished appearance, while the crossbody strap provides practicality for hands-free use.
For those interested in similar styles at more accessible price points, options are available starting around $26. These alternatives capture the essence of the box bag’s design, making this chic accessory attainable for a wider audience.
Incorporating a box bag into your wardrobe can add a touch of sophistication, echoing the fashion choices of style icons like Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Kate Middleton.