
To welcome fall, Patrick and Brittany Mahomes took their ð˜Īð˜Đ𝘊𝘭ð˜Ĩren apple picking: View pictures from their family trip

Fall is being welcomed by Patrick and Brittany Mahomes as a family. The Kansas City Chiefs player went apple picking with his 3-year-old daughter Sterling and 1-year-old son Bronze recently, along with his pregnant wife.

On Monday, Brittany, 29, shared photos from their excursion on Instagram.

Patrick Mahomes and Brittany Mahomes showed their apple picking trip in Monday Instagram photos.Instagram/@brittanylynne

“The Best Days,” Brittany wrote via Instagram on Monday.Instagram/@brittanylynne

“The Best Days,” she captioned snaps of the little ones eating doughnuts, smiling on a ride and collecting apples.

The couple’s eldest ð˜Īð˜Đ𝘊𝘭ð˜Ĩ wore a dress patterned with pumpkins, completing her look with a pink bow in her hair.

Bronze, for his part, wore a black-and-white striped outfit — and his mom shared a comparison shot on her Story from last year.

The 3-year-old enjoyed a doughnut in the Monday Instagram carousel.Instagram/@brittanylynne

Bronze also ate a treat in the Monday Instagram upload.Instagram/@brittanylynne

“Crying,” Brittany wrote.

She and her husband welcomed Bronze in November 2022, eight months after they tied the knot in Hawaii.

As for Sterling, she was 𝐛ðĻðŦ𝐧 in February 2021.

Brittany and Patrick welcomed their daughter and son in 2021 and 2022, respectively.chiefs/Instagram

They are expecting their third ð˜Īð˜Đ𝘊𝘭ð˜Ĩ.brittanylynne/Instagram

Brittany is currently pregnant with 𝑏𝑎𝑏ð‘Ķ No. 3, debuting her bump via Instagram in July.

“Round three here we come,” she captioned her reveal. “Family of 5 coming soon blessings on blessings.”

Later that same week, Patrick confirmed at a press conference that he is “done” expanding his family.

The couple have been together since high school.Instagram/@brittanylynne

They are friends with Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift.Starface Photo/INSTARimages

“I always wanted to have kids young,” the quarterback, 29, explained. “We’re having our third kid now to join our family, and Brittany does a great job of doing that. We still go out and enjoy our life and let our kids see these great things.”

He and Brittany threw a 𝓈â„Ŋ𝓍 reveal party shortly after his statement, telling their social media followers “another 𝑏𝑎𝑏ð‘Ķ girl” is on the way.

The pair, who often make headlines for their friendship with Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift, have been together since high school.

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