The athlete almost landed on the mother and son, scattering Jack’s popcorn across the floor. Of course, the kid didn’t look pleased, by the way! He stared at Anunoby in shock, but Anne Hathaway found the funny side of it. She posted the video and captioned it, “ Bucket-list moment
.” To this, OG Anunoby replied, “You’re welcome.”
In the video, Hathaway also mentioned, “I almost got crashed into last night! I always wanted that to happen. Thanks OG!” There are multiple incidents regarding player-fan interactions on the courtside and sometimes it gets a little edgy. LeBron James knew it the hard way.
Apart from OG Anunoby, LeBron James once found himself in a heckler situation in Atlanta
He stated, “There was a back-and-forth between two grown men. We said our piece. He said his piece, I said my piece. Then someone else jumped into it and said their piece. I didn’t think they should have been kicked out. But they might have had a couple of drinks, maybe. … The referees did what they had to do.”