Priyanka Chopra is in the holiday mood and on Saturday, PC shared some photos of her precious moments with husband Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie. Priyanka captioned her photos “Lately🙏🏽” and shared some of the most joyous moments that she has shared with her family during the holidays.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas, the renowned actress and global icon, recently gave her fans a glimpse into her festive celebrations. She took to social media to share heartwarming family photos featuring her husband, Nick Jonas, and their adorable daughter, Malti Marie. The pictures radiated warmth and joy, capturing the essence of the holiday spirit.
In the photos, the family can be seen enjoying cozy moments, surrounded by festive decorations. Priyanka, dressed elegantly, smiled alongside Nick, who held 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 Malti in his arms. The couple’s love and pride as parents were evident as they shared these precious moments with their fans.
Priyanka captioned the post with a heartfelt message, expressing gratitude for her family and the joy of the holiday season. Fans and followers flooded the comments with love, wishing the family happiness and a beautiful holiday season.
The pictures not only offered a rare peek into the couple’s family life but also served as a reminder of the importance of cherishing loved ones during this festive time of year.