Bollywood and Hollywood actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas may be walking away from Hindi cinema, but she remains in a lot of discussion about her personal life. Priyanka Chopra and her husband Nick Jonas remain in the headlines every day. Both often share special pictures on social media for their fans. Once again this beautiful Bollywood actress is in discussion about her husband. New romantic pictures of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have surfaced.
Priyanka Chopra shared pictures.
The actress herself has shared her latest romantic pictures with her husband on social media. Priyanka Chopra is very active on social media. She often shares special pictures and videos to stay connected with her fans. Priyanka Chopra has shared many pictures with husband Nick Jonas on her official Instagram account. These pictures are of their romantic vacation.
Photos going viral on social media.
In the pictures, Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas can be seen posing on the beach. Both of them are also seen enjoying their vacation on the private yacht. In pictures, She is kissing husband Nick. The pictures of the actress and her husband are becoming increasingly viral on social media. Fans of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are very fond of the pictures. Also giving your feedback by commenting. Commenting on the pictures of the actress, a fan wrote, ‘Missing you on the Hindi screen.’ While the other wrote, ‘2 lovely birds.’ Apart from these, many other fans have commented.