
25 Best Types of Conophytum Varieties

Discover the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties and add this unique succulent to your plant collection.

Looking for a stunning and one-of-a-kind plant to add to your collection? Look no further than the Conophytum varieties! With their unique shapes and dazzling colors, these plants are sure to turn heads and make a bold statement in any space.

1. Conophytum acutum

Botanical Name: Conophytum acutum

With leaves arranged in a rosette, Conophytum acutum features round and flattened leaves with distinct patterns that are often reddish-brown or green-grey in color.

2. Conophytum maughanii

Botanical Name: Conophytum maughanii

Conophytum maughanii is a small, clumping succulent that produces pairs of fleshy leaves that are grayish-green in color with reddish-brown markings. It produces pink, star-shaped flowers with yellow centers that bloom in autumn.

3. Conophytum meyeri

Botanical Name: Conophytum meyeri

Conophytum meyeri is a small, clumping succulent that produces pairs of fleshy leaves that are green-gray in color with white spots. It is characterized by its yellow, star-shaped flowers that bloom in autumn.

4. Conophytum minimum

Botanical Name: Conophytum minimum

Conophytum minimum is a small, compact succulent that produces pairs of fleshy green-gray spotted leaves. It produces small, pink flowers that bloom in autumn.

5. Conophytum bilobum

Botanical Name: Conophytum bilobum

For those who prefer daisy-like blooms, Conophytum bilobum is a great choice among the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, with leaves featuring two distinct lobes and producing flowers in various shades of pink.

6. Conophytum obcordellum

Botanical Name: Conophytum obcordellum

Conophytum obcordellum features distinctive heart-shaped leaves and white, yellow, or pink flowers.

7. Conophytum pageae

Botanical Name: Conophytum pageae

The Conophytum pageae is a rare and unique variety that features leaf pairs fused together to form a single cylindrical body topped with bright yellow flowers.

8. Conophytum calculus

Botanical Name: Conophytum calculus

The Best Types of Conophytum Varieties also include Conophytum calculus, which has chunky, pale green leaves with a rough texture and a flattened shape that looks like small stones.

9. Conophytum pellucidum

Botanical Name: Conophytum pellucidum

Conophytum pellucidum is a translucent variety with rounded, pale green leaves and delicate pink or white flowers.

10. Conophytum pubescens

Botanical Name: Conophytum pubescens

Conophytum pubescens is a beautiful Conophytum variety characterized by its hairy leaves and bright yellow or white flowers.

11. Conophytum ruschii

Botanical Name: Conophytum ruschii

The Conophytum ruschii features triangular, green leaves and pink, red, or white flowers with a distinctive ᵴtriƥe pattern.

12. Conophytum saxetanum

Botanical Name: Conophytum saxetanum

Another of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, the Conophytum saxetanum is a small, compact variety with rounded, green leaves and yellow or white flowers.

13. Conophytum smaleorum

Botanical Name: Conophytum smaleorum

Conophytum smaleorum is a rare and unique variety that produces cylindrical, finger-like leaves and small pink or white flowers.

14. Conophytum subfenestratum

Botanical Name: Conophytum subfenestratum

Conophytum subfenestratum features translucent, window-like patches on its green leaves and produces pink or white flowers.

15. Conophytum leipoldtii

Botanical Name: Conophytum leipoldtii

The Conophytum leipoldtii is one of the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties and is a small, clumping succulent that produces pairs of fleshy leaves that are green-gray in color with white spots.

16. Conophytum taylorianum

Botanical Name: Conophytum taylorianum

Conophytum taylorianum has flat, circular leaves with a grey-green coloration and a rough, pebbly texture. It has a distinct line down the middle of each leaf and produces white blooms.

17. Conophytum truncatellum

Botanical Name: Conophytum truncatellum

Conophytum truncatellum has two almost spherical leaves that are fused together at the base, forming a conical shape.

18. Conophytum turrigerum

Botanical Name: Conophytum turrigerum

Conophytum turrigerum has two almost spherical leaves that are fused together at the base, forming a conical shape. It has a green-grey coloration and produces white flowers with pink markings.

19. Conophytum uvaeforme

Botanical Name: Conophytum uvaeforme

Conophytum uvaeforme has two elongated, cylindrical leaves that produce white-pink blossoms.

20. Conophytum fulleri

Botanical Name: Conophytum fuller

Conophytum fulleri is a must-have for anyone seeking out the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties. It has a flattened, disc-like shape with blue-green leaves that turn purple in full sun, and it produces white, daisy-like flowers.

21. Conophytum wittebergense

Botanical Name: Conophytum wittebergense

The Conophytum wittebergense is a small, low-growing succulent plant that has a bright green, smooth body and bright pink or purple flowers.

22. Conophytum variegatum

Botanical Name: Conophytum variegatum

The Conophytum variegatum has two almost spherical leaves that are fused together at the base, forming a conical shape and produces white blooms.

23. Conophytum velutinum

Botanical Name: Conophytum velutinum

Conophytum velutinum has a pale grey-green coloration with a velvety texture and produces white or pink-hued blooms.

24. Conophytum verrucosum

Botanical Name: Conophytum verrucosum

Another among the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties, the Conophytum verrucosum has raised, wart-like bumps on its leaves that give rise to white-pink flowers.

25. Conophytum comptonii

Botanical Name: Conophytum comptonii

Conophytum comptonii is a small, succulent plant that produces clumps of thick, flattened leaves with distinctive markings and large, pink or white flowers in late summer or early fall, making it another excellent option among the Best Types of Conophytum Varieties.

Soυrce: balconygardenweb

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