
“Miraculous Rescue: Dog Saved by Heroic Rescue Team’s Efforts After Being Buried for 56 Hours”

Flossie found herself trapped in a rabbit hole for over 48 hours until rescuers were able to free her.

A terrier named Flossie had a harrowing experience when she was trapped underground for 56 hours. However, she managed to survive the ordeal and was eventually rescued in a dramatic video. Poppy Vernon, Flossie’s owner, shared on TikTok that the 9-year-old pup went missing on April 25. In the video, someone is seen digging a deep hole while calling out for Flossie. It was believed that the terrier got stuck in a rabbit hole in her favorite outdoor exploration spot near her home in Devon, England.

The issue at hand is the abundance of rabbit burrows surrounding their residence. The individuals attempted to block off the holes for a prolonged period, even utilizing equipment like subterranean cameras. The search persisted throughout the entire night, with little success despite the involvement of specialized tracking dogs. Flossie, unfortunately, remained elusive.

According to Poppy, after five hours, a neighbor heard a faint bark coming from under a bush. The search dogs were called back and this time, they were able to find Flossie. In a video, a man named Tom Leary is seen leaning down into the hole and using a chisel to extract Flossie. Despite losing weight, Flossie was unharmed after being missing for four days and spending several hours in the dirt and mud. The video of her rescue has gained over 3.6 million views. Flossie’s owners are relieved to have her back and are giving her lots of cuddles. In another TikTok video, they speculate that Flossie may have found a hole and dug her own path underground, blocking her way out and burying herself alive.

According to Vernon, it is incredible that they were able to locate her, and they will keep a close eye on her whenever she ventures outside.

Bracken reached out to her Facebook friends and relatives, seeking their assistance in locating her lost mixed breed puppy who had been missing for 56 hours. Fortunately, the pup was discovered in a rabbit hole situated in a nearby neighbor’s garden on Thursday afternoon, and thanks to a member of the Mid Devon Hunt team, the puppy was rescued unharmed.

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