
“Miraculous Rescue: A Frail Cry Heard from Beneath the Rubble”

The mistreatment and savagery towards the most vulnerable living beings on earth seems to have no bounds. Despite a global pandemic that still puts our lives at risk, we remain insensitive to this issue. Recent incidents, like the one faced by the Malaga Plant and Animal Protection Association (SPAPMA), make us reflect on this matter. They found a 9-month-old mastiff under incredibly appalling conditions.

Fortunately, a kind-hearted resident of Puerto de la Torre in Malaga was able to hear the weak cries coming from Ulises, a puppy who found himself in dire straits. Hidden amidst the wreckage and barely hanging on, the poor pup was desperate for help- something that his neighbor was quick to offer. Once the SPAPMA was notified of Ulises’ critical condition, they were able to step in and provide the care that the little guy so desperately needed. Despite his sad circumstances, there’s something about Ulises that reveals just how much he’s been through- from his gentle nature to the way he carries himself. In fact, the shelter workers even took to calling him “Ulysses” after finding him in a container bound by rope on June 4th.

Currently, at the 24-hour veterinary hospital called SOSCATYCAN, there is a dog fighting for his life. The poor animal is thin, anemic, and has multiple injuries that cause him immense pain. In order to save him, a blood transfusion is urgently needed, and the medical staff is working tirelessly to stabilize him. It is heartbreaking to see such cruelty towards innocent animals. The thought of humans causing this level of harm and decay is unimaginable. Despite the doubts about Ulysses’ survival, the medical team is doing everything in their power to ensure he pulls through. They have removed the parasites that were infesting him such as worms, fleas, ticks, and lice. Additionally, they have provided him with clothing to help regulate his body temperature. While they are relieved that he is stable, they know that there is still a long road ahead.

One day, he expressed his disgust after discovering something. However, people’s perception of him has changed since he received a transfusion and spent the night receiving serum and vitamins. He also ate special food to regain his energy and recover from hypothermia. The president of the rescue organization stated that the puppy had a strong desire to survive, which helped in his recovery. The rescuers were ecstatic to see him get back on his feet and eat solid food.

They exchanged information about Ulysses’ gradual improvement. They couldn’t help but feel sorry for him, looking at his small eyes that revealed the extent of his sufferings. Nevertheless, the most important thing was that Ulysses felt loved and taken care of. With each passing day, Ulysses made progress. “It was his first time taking a walk outside.” He eats heartily and loves to move around, albeit sometimes stumbling and sitting down due to his lack of muscles.

SPAPMA started receiving funds and donations after Ulises’ story became viral due to the severity of his abuse. The prayers and support of several individuals who closely monitored his progress also played a significant role. On June 10, they announced that Ulises had been discharged from the hospital and was en route to his foster home. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to Ulises being able to live independently.

The angels who surrounded Ulysses with love and healed his physical and emotional wounds deserve our gratitude. Thanks to their sacrifices, Ulysses was able to completely change his life’s path. Let’s spread the word about this story and come together to stop similar atrocities against those who are most vulnerable.

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